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Ideas For Dates During Lockdown

Writer's picture: Jessica-Jayne Jessica-Jayne

I think we all know the struggle of trying to come up with new things to do during lockdown when we can't go out for dinner or a good activity like surfing! So, I have decided to come up with a few ideas to help you change up the date nights on the sofa watching the same film or programme for the past month!

Make a meal together BLINDFOLDED

Obviously, you won't both be blindfolded, that would just be asking for danger. Also, try not to cook something that involves lots of heat and constant cutting. Basically, one of you is blindfolded and the other person has to help them cook an item of a choice. An example of a great thing to make is a non-bake cheesecake as it is challenging which makes it fun but also doesn't ask for you to place your hand firmly into a hot pan and hear the sizzle! It mainly includes a fridge, which in my opinion is pretty safe. But it means that you get to do a trust exercise and it can be really fun too.

Build a Fort!

This is such a fun thing to do during lockdown and it is a date night that can last a long time. My boyfriend and I made a fort the other night (you may have seen on my Insta!) and we had a pizza night and watched plenty of Disney films. It is fun as you have to build the fort and then set up the inside and then get snuggled up and watch many films. Lately, I have been sticking to keeping myself healthy so, to have the pizza night was a lovely treat. Also, with this date we slept in the fort so it makes waking up the next morning nice but also a pain as you then have to tidy it. I would highly recommend this date night idea!

Game Night

This one can definitely go either way! Sometimes I have flipped the board and sometimes I have played kindly so it depends. I would recommend this as you can have a range of games. Our current favourites are monopoly, guess who and twister. They remind me of my childhood and they are super fun to do.

Do a themed dinner

This one is super fun and my boyfriend and I are super excited to try this one soon. It allows you to dress up and get all fancy or all funny. You can decide whatever theme you want. I like the idea of a Brooklyn 99 themed dinner! I just like the fact that you can so much fun with this one and you can adapt it to what you guys love.

Painting/ drawing contest

This one is great for the creative ones. I must admit I cannot draw for the life of me but I love to do it anyway. It is calming and creative and gives my boyfriend and I a good laugh! A good idea with this one, is if you have anyone else in your house then you have them judge their favourite drawings. Then the loser has a forfeit, like doing the dishes for three nights in a row.

Nerf War

This is one that makes me feel like a child again. It is so fun as it gives you a chance to run around a bit and let off the steam that has been built up from being kept inside all the time. Make sure you do not wear socks! That is a sure slip n' slide that you don't want to deal with when you are running away from those squidgy rubber bullets!

I hope this has helped give you a few ideas on how to keep up the date nights during lockdown. It can be hard to keep them up during these times as it can be hard to come up with the ideas.

Stay safe and stay happy

Jessica-Jayne xx

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